A Bronze head attributed to the Yoruba people.
Museo de Las Americas – San Juan Puerto Rico
A Bronze head attributed to the Yoruba people.
Museo de Las Americas – San Juan Puerto Rico
Decorative arts are not just beautiful objects. Markets and value change with the economy, and according to “What’s hot and what’s not”. Whether an item has been on the mantel for generations or that perfect decorator find you got for a steal. Our team of appraisers will help you identify it, and make sure of its value.
Our staff have the training and experience to correctly identify and appraise your antique furnishings to provide correct values for insurance, inheritance, charitable gift, or equitable distribution.
Call us for a free consultation.
Rookwood vase c.1919
We have a great deal of experience appraising porcelain and ceramics of the19th and 20th Century. We can provide documentation and value to insure your mothers china, or your collection of arts and crafts art pottery.
Rookwood Pottery
Lenox founded in 1889
Newcomb College Pottery from 1895 to 1940
Van Briggle
Roseville Pottery